Humberge DE SOURS 1
Research Notes:
"Ebrardus, Carnotensium vicecomes" donated a family of servants to "Carnotensi monasterio Sancti Petri", for the souls of "uxorisque meæ Hunbergæ et filiorum meorum", by undated charter signed by "Ebrardi vicecomitis, Ebrardi filii eius, Hugonis filii eius, Huncbergæ uxoris eius…". Dion suggests that Humberge brought her husband the châtellenie of Puiset, on the basis that the appanage granted to a younger son frequently formed part of his maternal heritage. An undated charter records that “Hugonem cognomine Bardulfum cum uxore sua Elisabeth” donated “terram in pago Carnotense...Soors” to Coulombs, and that after the death of Elisabeth “nepos eius...Hugo cognomine Blavons” [the son of Humberge] retook the land, which suggests that Humberge may have been the sister of the [second] wife of Hugues “Bardoul” Seigneurs de Broyes... 2
Marriage Information:
Humberge married Cte Erard I DE BRETEUIL, Vicomte de Chartres, son of Cte Hilduin (Gilduin) DE BRETEUIL and Emmeline DE CHÂTEAUDUN. (Erard I DE BRETEUIL was born in Bréteuil, Eure, Normandy, France and died on 12 Feb 1061/6.)