Lord [prefect/hypatos] of Gaeta. He took control of the city of Gaeta before Oct 867, the date of a charter which references "temporibus domni Docibili magnifico et prefecturio". Gaeta was among the states in league with the Saracens when they were blockading Rome in 876. In the late 870s, Pope John VIII transferred the papal patrimonies of Fondi and Traetto to Docibilis and his son Ioannes, in return for breaking their pact with the Saracens. The Pope confiscated Traetto in [880/81] and gave it to Pandenolf of Capua, but restored it to Docibilis after Pandenolf began attacking Gaetan territory across the River Garigliano. He was referred to as hypatos in 890.
The testament of "Docibilis ypatus civitatis istius Gaietane" is dated 906, and names his wife (and her father) three sons and four daughters. 1