"…Humfridus constructor eiusdem loci cum filiis suis Rogerio, Roberto, Willelmo…" are named as present in the charter dated 1035 under which "Willelmus adhuc puerulus…Roberti comitis filius" donated "Turstini villa" to the abbey of Préaux. As "Roger of Beaumont", he is named as the son of Honfroy de Vieilles by Orderic Vitalis. "…Rogerius filius Hunfredi…" witnessed the charter dated to [1042] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated "nostras insulas Serc et Aurrene, propter medietatem Grenere" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, supported by "Rannulfo filio Anschitilli". The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names ”Humfridum de Vetulis” as father of “Rogeri de Bellomonte, ex quo comites de Warwike et Leicestriæ”.
He built the castle of Beaumont-le-Roger on the hill above Vieilles. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Rogerius Toenites de stirpe Malahulcii qui Rollonis ducis patruus fuerat” was “totius Normanniæ signifer“ rebelled against Duke Guillaume II and destroyed property in particular that of “Humfridi de Vetulis” who sent “Rogerium de Bellomonti filium suum” against Roger and killed him. Orderic Vitalis names “...Rogerius de Bellomonte et Rogerius de Monte-Gomerici...” among the leading lords under Guillaume II Duke of Normandy. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Rogero de Beaumont" contributed 60 ships towards the invasion of England in 1066. He remained in Normandy as adviser to Duchess Mathilde during the conquest. Robert son of Humphrey consented to a donation to St Pierre, Préaux, by charter dated to the reign of William I King of England. "…Rotgerius de Bello monte, Hainricus filius eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1073] under which William I King of England confirmed the donation by "Nielli filii alterius Nielli" made by "suus pater" of six churches on Guernsey to the abbey of Marmoutier. He witnessed charters of William I King of England until 1082. “Rogerius et filii mei Robertus et Henricus” donated “decimam tocius Brotonie” to Saint-Wandrille by charter dated 13 Jan 1086. Domesday Book records “Roger de Beaumont” holding Stour Provost, Sturminster, Creech, Steeple, Church Knowle and Afflington in Dorset. He obtained the fiefdom of Brionne from Robert Duke of Normandy after surrendering the castellanship of Ivry. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Rogerius...de Bellomonte filius Humfridi de Vetulis” founded “in fundo suo Pratellis duo cœnobia...unum monachorum alterum sanctimonialium”. "Rogerus de Bellomonte" founded la Sainte-Trinité de Beaumont-le-Roger, with the consent of "liberis meis Roberto comite Mellentensi et Henrico comite de Warwic", by charter dated [1088/89].
Orderic Vitalis records that he became a monk at Saint-Pierre de Préaux, dated to after 1090, where he was buried. 1