A charter dated to [1190/96] notified that “Adam de Brus” granted property to “Henrico de Perci et Isabelle filie mee uxori sue” on their marriage. This suggests that Isabel must have been only eleven years old at the most at the time of her marriage, assuming that her father’s dates of marriage and death are correctly stated above. “Juetta de Arches” granted property to “Isabelle de Brus filie mee” by charter dated to 1192. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. 1
Marriage Information:
Isabel married Henry DE PERCY, son of Joscelin DE LOUVAIN and Agnes DE PERCY, about 1180. (Henry DE PERCY was born est 1160, died before Nov 1198 and was buried in Saint-Lo, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France.)
Marriage Information:
Isabel also married Roger MAUDUIT. (Roger MAUDUIT died after 1198.)
1 Foundations for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands, Isabel de Brus.