"Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres for the souls of "genitoris nostri Fulgualdi et…genetrice mea Senegundi et…germano meo Fredolone quondam" by charter dated 3 Nov 862, which names "Bernardum filium nostrum…Fulgualdus filius noster…Odo filius noster" (all three of whom also subscribed the document), subscribed by "…Begonis vicecomitis…".
He was appointed Comte de Rouergue et Comte de Quercy in 849 by Charles “le Chauve” King of France, in recognition for his help in fighting Pippin II King of Italy.
He succeeded in 855 as RAYMOND I Comte et Marquis de Toulouse. “Raimundus...comis et marchio” confirmed possessions “in comitatu nostro Paliarense” to the monastery of Burgal by charter dated Aug 859. He founded the abbey of Vabres in 862...
The Annales Bertiniani record that "Hunfridus Gothiæ marchio" expelled "Tolosam Reimundo" in 863. 2