He was elected to succeed in mid-Sep 416 as WALIA King of the Visigoths. Olympiodorus Thebæus records that Ataulf was succeeded by “Sari frater, Singerichus”, who was killed after seven days and succeeded by “Gothorum dux Valia”. The Chronicon Albeldense names “Ballia” as successor of “Sigericus”, adding that he made peace with Emperor Honorius and returned his sister Placidia to him. After unsuccessfully attempting to conquer north Africa, King Walia surrendered to Constantius, the Roman commander-in-chief of the West, in early 416 in return for urgently needed food supplies. He also agreed to provide military help against the Vandals and Suevi in Spain. The Chronicon Albeldense records that “Ballia” entered Spain, extinguished “Wandalos et Silingos in Baetica bello” and reduced “Alanos ad nihilum”. The Romans recalled the Goths from Spain in summer 418 and settled them in the valley of the Garonne in south-west France, the Visigoths turning their attention away from Spain.
Olympiodorus Thebæus records the death of “Valia, principe Gothorum”, and the succession of “Theuderichus”. The Chronicon Albeldense records that “Ballia” died “in Gallias” under Emperor Honorius. 1