Nesta ferch Gruffydd
Research Notes:
Orderic Vitalis names "Nest" as the daughter of "Edwinus…et Morcarus comites, filii Algari…Edgivam sororem eorum" and her first husband "Gritfridi…regis Guallorum". The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. "Hugo filius Osberti" donated a saltpan at Droitwich to the monks of Worcester Cathedral priory, for the souls of "patris mei Osberti et matris mee Nest", by charter dated to [early 12th century]. 1
Marriage Information:
Nesta married Osbern fitz Richard, Sheriff of Hereford, son of Richard fitz Scrob and Unknown fitz Robert. (Osbern fitz Richard was born in Arwystle, Herefordshire, England and died after 1087.)