1 The Visitations of Essex &c. - Part II, by Hawley, 1552, Hervey, 1558, Cooke, 1570, Raven, 1612, and Owen and Lilly, 1634. To which are added Miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts: and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees (1878), Tufnell, p. 721.
2 A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions Or High Official Rank: But Univested with Heritable Honours, Volume 2, John Burke, 1835, Tufnell, of Langleys, p. 182.
3 Staffordshire Pedigrees based on the Visitation of that County made by William Dugdale, Esquire, Norroy King of Arms, in the Years 1663-1664..., Sir George J. Armytage, Bart., F.S.A. and W. Harry Rylands, F.S.A. (eds.), Jolley, Jolife, p. 144. Note this pedigree conflates Thomas senior and Thomas junior into one individual.
4 Whitmore, Newcastle-Under-Lyme Parish Registers, Marriages.
5 Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office, Date 1618, Reference: D(W)1761/C/24.