Ibn Idhari´s Al-Bayan Al-Moghrib records that in Jun 854 “Ordoño fils d´Alphonse et roi de Galice” sent “son frère Gaton” at the head of troops to relieve Toledo which had been attacked by “l´émir Mohammed”. The source is dated to after [1306], so is late to be reliable for 9th century events although it is known that the work incorporates earlier sources which have since disappeared. No other source has been found which identifies Gatón as the brother of King Ordoño I.
Conde. Señor en Astorga y en el Bierzo. A charter dated 6 Jun 878 records judgment in the court of “domini...Adephonsi principis...vel judicum Gatoni et Hermigildi” confirmed the possession of “villa Vimineta”, populated by “comite Gaton” during the reign of “domni Ordonii”. 1