“Berengarius vicecomes de Cartlato et uxor mea Adila et mater uxoris meæ Nobilis” founded Montsalvy monastery, with the consent of “filii nostri Ricardus, Girbertus, Raimundus”, by charter dated to [1060/71]. “Allebertus de Caniliaco” swore allegiance to “Berengario nec ad filios tuos Ricard et Girbert” for the château of Canillac and others by undated charter, probably dated to [1080/97].
Vicomte de Millau, de Gévaudan, et de Carlat (part). "Gerberti vice comitis" subscribed the charter dated 1100 under which "Petrus Virgilius et frater meus Raimundus" donated "æcclesiam sancti Martini…Priscus…[et] mansum de Roqueta…" to Conques. "...Richardi vicecomitis et fratris eius Girberti..." subscribed the charter dated 1103 under which "nobili...Guidone" donated property to Saint-Chaffre.
The Brevi Historia Comitum Provinciæ records the death "circa 1110" of "Gilberto comite Provinciæ" who left a widow "Tiburgia…comitissa" and "Dulcia unica filia". It should be noted that no primary source has been identified in which Girbert is recorded as comte de Provence during his lifetime. 1