Vcte Geoffroi III "le Noble" DE BOURGES
- Born: Abt 980, Bourges, Cher, Berry/Centre, France
- Died: After 1037
General Notes:
"Odonis comitis…Gaufredi vicecomitis, Gaufredi filii eius, Harduini filii Corbonis" signed a charter dated 17 Dec 1064 (presumably redateable to before 1037 because of "Odonis comitis" [Eudes II Comte de Blois?]) relating to serfs of Marmoutier[823]. "Stephanus Vicecomes Bituricensis urbis et soror mea Ildeburgis" donated property to the abbey of Vierzon Saint Pierre by charter dated 28 Jun 1092, which names "…Gaufredi patris nostri avus…moriens vero Gaufrido filio suo…Bosberaès…quoque Gaufredus filium suum itidem Gaufredum Nobilem cognominatum…patri nostro Gaufredo…Meschins…"
Marriage Information:
Geoffroi married Eldeburge DE DÉOLS, daughter of Seigneur Raoul II "le Chauve" DE DÉOLS Baron de Château-Raoul and Ade. (Eldeburge DE DÉOLS was born in Deols, Indre, Berry/Centre, France and died after 1057.)