The Codex de Roda names "Garsea Enneconis et domna Assona…et domna ---" as the children of "Enneco cognomento Aresta".
He succeeded his father in [852] as GARCÍA I [King] of Pamplona. He was defeated by the Muslims in [858]. "Rexo Garsia, filius Eneconis" donated property to the monastery of Leire, with the advice of "filii mei Fortunii", by charter dated 21 Oct 880.
This is the only source so far identified which accords the royal title to García and it is not clear whether it was contemporary. The Libro de Regla of Leire Monastery, compiled in 1076, records that "filius eius Garsea Ennecones" ruled for 12 years after the death of "Enneco Xemenones" and died "era DCCCXXXV…in Lumberri", his body being returned "ad monasterium Legeren" (for burial). 1