The Gesta Mediolanensium names (in order) "Ugonem, Azonem, Adelbertum et Obizonem" as four Italian marchesi, supporters of Ardoini d´Ivrea, captured by forces of Emperor Heinrich II, the date "1022" being inserted in the margin by the editor.
Conte di Luni, Tortona, Genova and Milano. Marchese. "Azo et Ugo germanis et filii Uberti marchio" bought property from "Domninus diaconus…in burgo sancti Domnini et filius quondam Undulfi de loco Variano" by charter dated 1013. A charter dated May 1013 records a decision "in iudicio…domnus Azo et Ugo germani marchiones et Thodello commes istius comitatus Pataviensis" relating to the ownership of property in Petriolo, signed by "Adelbertus qui Azo…Ugo marchio…". 1