Brother of Eberhard, Bishop of Bamberg. The precise relationship between the ... brothers and Emperor Heinrich II has not been established. Wegener speculates that they were sons of Rudolf II Graf von Altdorf [Welf] but the only basis for this appears to be Graf Rudolf's mother who was probably a great granddaughter of Emperor Otto I.
"Otto tercius…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property "Berenheim" which "Chono comes et Herimannus" had unjustly taken from "nobilem matronam Otam" to the church of Würzburg by charter dated 1 Jan 1000. Wegener cites an exchange of property dated 1017 between Chuno and his brother Eberhard Bishop of Bamberg. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" renewed the privileges of Kloster Fulda by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated 1020, witnessed by "Godifridi ducis, Berinhardi ducis, Thiederici ducis, Welphonis comitis, Cunonis comitis, Kunrati comitis, Ottonis comitis, Adilbrahtis comitis, Bobonis comitis, Friderici comitis, Bezilini comitis, Ezonis comitis palatini", the order of witnesses presumably giving some idea of the relative importance of these named nobles at the court of Emperor Heinrich II at the time.
The name of Kuno's wife is not known. 1