Haraldr "Gráfeldr" (Graypelt) EIRÍKSSON King of Norway
Eiríkr "Blóðøks" (Bloodaxe) HARALDSSON King of Norway
Born: Abt 895
Married: Abt 928
Died: 954, Stainmore, near Edendale, Westmoreland, England
Marriage Information:
Eiríkr married Gunnhildr Konungamodír GORMSDÓTTIR Princess of Denmark, daughter of Gormr Gamle KNÚTSSON King of Denmark and Thyri (Thyre) "Danebod" KLACKSDÓTTIR Queen of Denmark, about 928. (Gunnhildr Konungamodír GORMSDÓTTIR Princess of Denmark was born about 913.)