Eleanor (Aenor) de Totnes, Heiress of Barnstaple
- Born: Totnes, Devon, England
- Married:
Research Notes:
"Philippus de Brausia" confirmed the donations to the church of Saints Gervais et Protais de Briouze, by "pater eius Guillemus de Brausia", by charter dated 5 Jan [1096], with the consent of "uxor eius Aanor et Guillelmus filius suus". Her parentage is confirmed by the undated charter under which “Willielmus de Braosa” confirmed donations to Barnstaple Priory by "Johelis avi sui" by undated charter. 1
Marriage Information:
Aenor married Philip I de Braose, son of Guillaume de Briouse. (Philip I de Braose was born between 1060 and 1070, England and died between 1131 and 1139 in Palestine.)