Mathilde (Marguerite) d' Avranches
- Born: Avranches, Manche, Normandy, France
- Married:
- Died: After 1098
Research Notes:
She is named "Mathilda soror Hugonis comitis" by Orderic Vitalis, who also names her son. The Liber Vitæ of Durham names "Rannulfus Mahald uxor eius Ricardus Rannulfus de Mesc filii eorum Lucia uxor Rann". 1
Marriage Information:
Mathilde married Ranulph II, vicomte du Bessin, son of Ranulph I, vicomte du Bessin and Alix de Normandie. (Ranulph II, vicomte du Bessin was born in Bayeux, Calvados, Normandy, France and died after Apr 1089.)