His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1 Apr 1172 under which "Beatrix comitissa Melgorii" divided the county of Melgueil between "filie mee Ermessende" and "Dulcie neptis mee, filie quondam filii mei Raimundi comitis Provincie".
He succeeded his father 1144 as RAYMOND BERENGER II Comte de Provence, Vicomte de Rodez, de Gévaudan et de Carladet. He was invested as Comte de Melgueil: "Raimundus comes Barcilonensis princeps Aragonensis Provincie marchio...cum nepote meo R. Berengerii comite Melgoriensi atque Provincie necnon et Amiliavense" granted duty exemptions "in villa Amiliavi quam in ipso ponte" to the abbey of Sylvanès by charter dated Apt 1156.
The Annales Sancti Victoris Massilienses name "Raimundus comes Provincie nepos…domni comitis Barchinonensis [=Raimundi]" when recording his death in 1166. The Brevi Historia Comitum Provinciæ records that "Raymundus" was killed during the siege of Nice. 1