Daughter of Richard, Graf von Metz, or of his brother, Gerhard.
Wipo names "Adalheida ex nobilissima gente Litharingorum oriunda…soror…comitem Gerhardi et Adalberti" and mother of "maioris Chuononis". Her second marriage is suggested by the Vita Meinwerci which names "Gebehardus iuvenis, frater imperatoris" when recording his tonsure at the synod in 1028, Gerhard not being named elsewhere as the full brother of Emperor Konrad I. 1
Marriage Information:
Adelheid married Gf. Heinrich IM WORMSGAU, son of Hzg. Otto VON KÄRNTEN, Graf im Nahegau and Gfn. Judith VON BAYERN. (Gf. Heinrich IM WORMSGAU died on 28 Sep 989/1000.)
1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Adelheid.