Edmund son of Lucy Ferris of Thornhill, single woman (baptismal record)
In 1841 Edmund Ferris, aged 11, was with his maternal grandparents in Thornhill, Clyffe Pypard.
In 1851 Edward Fearis, aged 19, born in Whitecliffe Wilts, ag lab, was with his mother Lucy Ballard and her husband James in Ardington Berkshire.
In 1881 Edmund Ferris, aged 51, born in Wilts, ag lab, and wife Eliza, aged 44, born in Ardington Berks were living in Village St., Ardington. With them were children (born in Ardington): Fanny (13), scholar, Eliza (9), scholar, Edith (6), Edward (10 mo).
In 1891 Edmund Ferris, aged 61, born in Wilts, agricultural labourer, and wife Eliza, aged 54, born in Ardington Berks, were living in Ardington. At home were children (born in Ardington): Edith K (16), Edward J. (10), scholar.
In 1901 Edmund Ferris, aged 72, born in Clifton Wilts, labourer on farm, and wife Eliza, aged 65, born in Ardington Berks were living in Ardington.
Edmund Ferris of Alfred Street Wantage died aged 75 years (burial record).