Occupations: carpenter (menuisier) in 1842, master carpenter (maitre menuisier) in 1843 and 1846.
In 1837 Eugène was a witness to the birth of Eugène Alphonse Guillouard.
In 1842 Eugène was a witness to the birth of his son Emile Eugène Denos.
In 1842 Eugène was a witness at the marriage of his sister Zoé Clémentine Denos to Auguste Paul Pinel.
In 1843 Eugène was a witness to the birth of his cousin Jean Louis Romain Denos.
In 1845 Eugène was a witness to the birth of his niece Désiré Auguste Guillouard.
In 1846 Eugène was a witness to the death of his mother Marie Reine Honorine Saillenfest.