Henry Warrington
(Abt 1804-)
Cpt. Thomas Moyle
(Abt 1804-Aft 1841)
Mary Vivian
Edmund Warrington
(Abt 1839-Bef 1902)
Annie Vivian Moyle
Alice Maud Warrington


Family Links

Nicholas Holman

Alice Maud Warrington

  • Born: 11 Jan 1867, Kapunda, S.A., Australia 2
  • Married: 25 Nov 1897, Northam, W.A., Australia 1

  Research Notes:

Alice was still a young child when her father died, and so Alice and her sister Lena were raised by their uncle Henry Vivian Moyle. Hence, Lena and Alice had their surnames changed to MOYLE after the adoption became official. 3

  Marriage Information:

Alice married Nicholas Holman on 25 Nov 1897 in Northam, W.A., Australia 1.

  Marriage Notes:

"A large' company assembled at the Wesley Church, Northam, on Thursday, to witness the marriage of Miss Warrington (Sister Alice of the Sisters of the People) to Mr N. Holman. of the Black Flag Proprietary mine, the ceremony being performed by the Rev F. S. Finch. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk, with a hat to match, and carried a beautiful bouquet of flowers. There were four bridesmaids — Miss Warrington (sister o! the bride), Miss Throssell, Miss Stewart, and Miss Aldyth Johns, all of whom wore dresses of white pin-spotted muslin, with large picture hats to match, and carried bouquets of pink and white flowers. One of the attractions of the bridal party was the appearance of Aldyth Jones, and the young groomsman, Stanley Turner (whose united ages amounted to 10 years), both of whom were charmingly attired. The bridegroom was attended by Mr A. Ernest Thomas, of Coolgardie, as best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony an adjournment was made to the Temperance Hall, where refreshments were provided by the Rev. F. and Mrs Finch. The happy couple left in the evening train for Perth." 4


1 Western Australia, Department of Attorney General, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages, Reg. # 788 (Nicholas Holman & Alice Vivian Warrington).

2 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1842 - 1906 Book: 50 Page: 132 District: Kap.

3 The Mining Moyles, Florence Breed, p. 105.

4 Kalgoorlie Miner, Tuesday 30 November 1897.

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