James BELLMAN (Abt 1869-) |
1 England and Wales Marriage Registration Index, 1837-2005, 1st Quarter, vol. 5c, p. 320.
2 (http://www.cornwall-opc.org/).
3 England and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008, Redruth district, 4th Quarter, vol. 5c, p. 282. In 1868, there are two entries for Elizabeth Ann Richards; the first registered during the 2nd Quarter (vol. 5c, p. 291) and the second registered during the 4th Quarter (vol. 5c, p. 283). In the 1871 Census, Elizabeth is called Elizabeth M., otherwise she is called Elizabeth A. The 4th Quarter entry in the GROE Birth Index shows Elizabeth Ann M. Richards, so presumably this is the correct entry.
4 England and Wales Death Registration Index 1837-2007, Redruth district, 1st Quarter, vol. 5c, p. 205.
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