William Trezona of Camborne died aged 66 years (burial record).
Abstract of the Will of William Trezona of the Parish of Camborne in the County of Cornwall, Miner, written 28 Mar 1812, proved 25 Jun 1814. 2
Gives to his daughters Anne, Elizabeth, Anna, Kitty and Jenefer, and to his son Richard one shilling each.
Gives to his son William twenty . . . . . . . of turf annually.
Gives to his wife Elizabeth everything that belongs to him at the time of his death. After her death he gives to his son Thomas his house and household furniture.
Gives his land equally between his sons William and Thomas.
Gives to his daughter Jennefer a place in his house so long as she remains unmarried.
Appoints his wife Elizabeth executrix of his last will and testament.
Witnesses: Richard Trezona, James Trezona, James Jury