His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1151 under which Henri Bishop of Liège confirmed the donations by "domina Jutta, nobilissima matrona uxor ducis Walrami de Lemburg" to Rolduc [Rode] abbey, which records the presence at her burial in Rolduc [Rode] of "filii eiusdem Henricus et Gerardus et filiolus Domini Heinrici…".
He succeeded his father in 1167 as HENDRIK III Duke of Limburg, Comte d'Arlon. "Henricus filius domini Henrici filii ducis Walerami de Lymburg" donated property, inherited by him and by "sorore nostra domina Margareta ducissa de Lovanio…atque domino Godefrido marito eius duce de Lovanio", to Rolduc [Rode] abbey by charter dated 1171 which names "domino Herimanno, avunculo nostro, comite de Saphinberg". Philipp Archbishop of Köln confirmed rights of the abbey of Rolduc, at the request of "Dominus Henricus de Lymburg filius Domini Henrici et nepos ducis Walerami…quam uxor eius Domina Sophia et filii eius Henricus et Waleramnus" by charter dated 1178. "Henricus de Lemborc" founded the abbey of "Vallis Sancti Lamberti", with the consent of "filiorum meorum Henrici, Waleranni, Frederici et Gerardi", by charter dated 1196.
Herr von Wassenberg: Dietrich Provost of Heinsberg St. Maria sold "prediolum...in Geuestorp" to Kloster Dunwald by charter dated 1202, witnessed by “Henricus de Wassenberg et uxor eius domina Sophya...”. "Henricus filius Henrici filii Walerami ducis de Limburg" donated property to Rolduc [Rode] abbey, with the consent of "filiis meis Henrico, Waleramo, Friderico, Gerardo, ac filiabus meis Jutta de Valkenburg et Mathilde", in the presence of "domino Goswino de Valkenburg genero nostro", by charter dated 1202. Vogt of Klosterrath.
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "senior Henricus de Lemborc" as father of "Walerannus de Ardenna dux" and records the burial of both "in ecclesia de Rode ordinis sancti Augustini", although the dating in the chronicle is inaccurate as it also records that Waleran died ten years after his father. 1