Orderic Vitalis names “Conanum” as the son of "Fergannus comes" and his second wife “filiam comitis Andegavorum”. The Chronicon Briocensi names "Conanum et Hazevisiam" as the two children of "Alanus filius primogenitus [Hoelli]" and his wife "Ermengardem filiam Comitis Andegavensis". William of Tyre records his parentage.
He succeeded on the abdication of his father in [1114/16] as CONAN III "Grossus/le Gros" Duke of Brittany. "Conanus Britannorum dux" donated property to Saint-Nicolas d´Angers by charter dated to [1129/36], which names "mater mea Ermengardis comitissa".
The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1148 of "Conanus Dux Britanniæ". The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1148 of "Conanus Dux Britanniæ filius Alani et Ermengardæ". The necrology of Angers Cathedral records the death "XV Kal Oct" of "Conanus dux et comes Britanniæ" and his donation of "ecclesiam de Pinello" to the church of St Maurice. 1