Infanta doña Blanca DE NAVARRA
- Born: Bef 19 Jan 1225
- Married: After 16 Jan 1236
- Died: 11 Aug 1283, Château de Hédé, Ille-et-Vilaine, France
- Buried: Abbaye cistercienne de Notre Dame de la Joie, Hennebont, Morbihans
Also known as Blanche DE CHAMPAGNE.
Research Notes:
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Agnes comitissa Campanie" left an only daughter but does not name her. “O Meranie dux, comes Burgundie palatinus et…Beatrix uxor eius” agreed with “Theobaldum Campanie et Brye comitem palatinum” the marriage of “Othonem filium nostrum” and “Blancham filiam ipsius Theobaldi comiti Campanie” by charter dated 19 Jan 1225.
Infanta doña BLANCA de Navarra from her father's accession to the throne of Navarre in 1234. The marriage contract between “P. dux Britannie comes Richerimontis…Johanni de Britannia filio nostro” and “Theobaldus…rex Navarre, Campanie et Brie comes palatinus…filiam suam domiscellam Blancham” is dated 16 Jan 1236.
She founded the Abbaye de la Joie near Hennebont [1270], where she was later buried. The Chronicon Britannicum records the death "pridie Id Aug" 1273 (presumably error for 1283) of “domina Blancha ducissa Britanniæ” and her burial “apud Henbond”. The necrology of the Abbaye des Clairets records the death "IV Id Sep" of "Blancha comitissa Britannie". 1
Marriage Information:
Blanca married Duc Jean I "le Roux" DE BRETAGNE, Earl of Richmond, son of Cte Pierre I "Mauclerc" DE DREUX, Duke of Brittany, Earl of Richmond, and Alix DE THOUARS, Duchess of Brittany, Countess of Richmond, after 16 Jan 1236. (Jean I "le Roux" DE BRETAGNE was born in 1217/8 and died on 8 Oct 1286 in Château de l'Isle, Férel, Morbihan, Bretagne, France.)