Catherine Halford
- Born: 1852, Liskeard district, Cornwall 1
- Married: 1871, Daly district, S.A., Australia 2
- Died: 16 Jun 1937, Queensland, Australia 3
- Buried: 16 Jun 1937, New Cemetery, Townsville, QLD, Australia
Orthographic variations: ALFORD, ALFRED
Research Notes:
On 22 Jan 1856 Catherine, age 3, arrived in Port Adelaide, South Australia, per the ship Captain John Gray, with her parents William Halford, age 32 of Liskeard, miner, and Sarah Halford (Bone), age 30, and brother William Henry, age 1. 4
THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Mr. and Mrs. P. St. George and Family (Stanton Terrace), and Mrs. G. Burrows and Family (Brisbane) are respectfully invited to attend the FUNERAL of their late beloved mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother CATHERINE BLUETT, which will move from the Methodist Church, Stokes Street, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock (New Cemetery)....
Townsville Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, 16 Jun 1937, p. 6
Marriage Information:
Catherine married George Crase Blewett, son of John Tiso Blewett and Elizabeth Crase, in 1871 in the Daly district, S.A., Australia. (George Crase Blewett was born in 1852 in Camborne, Cornwall, died on 15 Feb 1922 in Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia and was buried on 16 Feb 1922 in Lutwyche Cemetery, Brisbane, Australia.)