"Comes Hugo de Sancto Paulo" donated property to the abbey of Molesme with the consent of "uxoris sue Helisendis filiorumque suorum Ingelranni et Hugonis" by charter dated 17 Jun 1095.
Comte de Saint-Pol 1122. "Hugo de Sancto Paulo cognomen habens Campdaveine" donated property to the monastery of Bourbourg, in the presence of Charles Count of Flanders, by charter dated 7 Jul 1123.
Comte d'Hesdin 1129 and 1135. “...Hugo de S. Paulo...” witnessed the charter dated Jul 1129 under which “Hugo castellanus de Cambrai et dom. de Oisy” donated property to Mont Saint-Eloi. He was excommunicated in 1136. He founded the abbey of Clairfayt. "Hugo Candavene" founded the abbey of Cercamp, with the consent of "filii eius Engelrandus et Hugo, Anselmus, Radulfus et Wido", by charter dated 1137. "Hugo Candavena comes S. Pauli" donated property to Fécamp by charter dated 1141. 2