Parents unknown.
After her husband's death, she entered the monastery of Gradefés, later becoming abbess. According to Salcedo, she bequeathed Cea to her son-in-law Tello Pérez in 1168 when she entered Gradefés. "Taresa Petriz abbatissa de Gradefes et mea nepta Eslonza Lopez" donated property to Gradefes, with the consent of "filiis Telli Petriz meis neptis…fratres Alfonso Tellez et Garcia Tellez et Tell Tellez et Suer Tellez", by charter dated 1187. "Urraca Pedrez et filio meo Didacu Boso et Martino Boso et Petro Boso et Don Boso et Maria Boso et Maior Boso" sold property "in Sancto Michaele et in villa Gaian…" to "Aldonza Lopez suprina mea", by charter dated 16 Jun 1178. 1