"Honecca…cum filiis meis Munna, Ledegundia, Exemenus et Mummadonna" donated property to the monastery of Lorvão by charter dated 5 Dec 928, subscribed by "Honneca, Munnia, Ledegundia, Exemenus Didaz, Mummadomna, Aloytus Lucidi, Roderigus Tedoniz, Ermegildus Gundisaluiz, Gundesindus Didaz…". The order of the names of the subscribers suggests that the husbands of the donor´s daughters follow their wives, in order. This affiliation of the wife of Aloito Lucídez was proposed by Sáez. 1
Marriage Information:
Munia married Cde Aloito LUCÍDEZ, son of don Lucidio VÍMARAZ and doña Gudilona Menéndez DE GALICIA. (Aloito LUCÍDEZ died after Dec 950.)
1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Munia Díaz.