Henri CAPET "le Damoiseau" de Bourgogne
(Abt 1035-Abt 1073)
(1035-After 1074)
Infante don Alfonso VI DE CASTILLA y León
Jimena Muñoz DE GUZMÁN
Henri DE BOURGOGNE, Conde de Portugal
(Abt 1070-1112)
Infanta doña Teresa DE CASTILLA y León
(Abt 1081-1130)
Sancha Henriques DE PORTUGAL
(-Aft 1147)


Family Links

1. Sancho Núñez DE BARBOSA

  • Cde Velasco Sánchez DE BARBOSA
2. Senhor Fernando Mendes "el Bravo" DE BRAGANÇA

Sancha Henriques DE PORTUGAL

  • Married:
  • Died: After 1147

  Research Notes:

Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 23 Mar 1143 under which she donated property in Trobajo del Cerecedo, which she had inherited from "avia mea dompna Hensemena Muñiz…et de mater mea eius filia regina dompna Teresa", to the parents of Juan Albertino Bishop of León. Sousa says that Sancha married “D. Fernando Mendes, Rico-homem, Senhor de Bragança”, dying "sem successaõ", but he cites only Antonio Brandaõ´s 1632 Monarchia Lusitana and the Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos. Brandaõ quotes a charter dated 1147 under which "Sancia reginæ Taresiæ ac comitis Henrici filia" donated "hum Casal em Saõ Pedro de Gostem" to Braga "cum concilio mariti mei Fernandi Mendes". The Nobiliario does not support Sousa´s statement at all: it records the wife of "D. Fernan Mendez el Bravo Bragançon" as "D. Teresa Alonso", daughter of Afonso I King of Portugal by "D. Elvira Gualtar", adding that the king had separated Teresa from her previous husband "don Sancho Nuñez" with whom he had fought. The Livro Velho does not name the wife of "D. Fernão Mendes o bravo" at all. The mid-14th century Nobiliario and Livro Velho cannot be considered reliable sources for events which occurred more than 200 years earlier, in the absence of corroboration from earlier documents. The Braga charter must therefore be preferred. Barton, citing Mattoso, on the other hand names Sancha Henriques as the wife of Sancho Núñez (whose marriage to an unnamed daughter of Conde Henrique is confirmed above). One solution to the problem would be if Sancha married both noblemen in turn, as reported by the Nobiliario, which would have merely mistaken her parentage and her name. Let us also recall that the Nobiliario states that "Teresa" died childless by her marriage to Fernando. Transposing the situation to Sancha Henriques, it is therefore possible that she was Fernando´s second wife and that his son Pedro was born from an earlier marriage. This suggestion would also fit with the Livro Velho not referring to Pedro´s mother by name. 1

  Marriage Information:

Sancha married Sancho Núñez DE BARBOSA, son of Cde Nuño Velásquez DE BARBOSA and condesa doña Fronilda SÁNCHEZ.

  Marriage Information:

Sancha also married Senhor Fernando Mendes "el Bravo" DE BRAGANÇA, son of Senhor Mendo Fernández DE BRAGANÇA and Sancha Egas DE RIBADOURO.


1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Sancha Henriques.

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